Reasons To Replace Your Door Frame

The frame of your door can be a critical component that can be easy to overlook due to it being fairly difficult to see. However, this is an essential component of your house that you may eventually need to replace for a number of reasons.

Upgrading To A More Secure Door Frame

For a homeowner that is wanting to improve the overall security of their home, the doors will be a critical area that may need to be upgraded. Often, individuals assume that someone will be able to easily kick through the door or otherwise detach it from the hinges. However, it is more likely that the frame of the door will fail when it is hit with a strong force. For this reason, the door frame may need to be upgraded to one that is far more durable. These frames will be much more likely to withstand blunt force impacts from both individuals attempting to enter the home and debris that may strike the door during strong storms.

Replacing A Frame That Has Suffered Damage

Unfortunately, there are several ways that your door frame may be able to suffer damage that could lead to it needing to be replaced. One of these types of damage can be due to water soaking into the wood and causing it to rot. If this rot is not addressed by replacing the frame, it can be possible for the door to completely fail, and the rot may even be able to spread to surrounding parts of the structure. It can be difficult to notice that rot is forming on your door frame, which means that it may be rather severe by the time that you notice the damage has formed on the door.

Installing A Larger Door

A common upgrade that people may want to make to their homes can involve installing a much larger door. This can often be the case when a person is needing to make the house more accessible to wheelchairs or other mobility devices. In these instances, this upgrade will require more than simply replacing the door as a larger frame will also need to be installed. Depending on the design of your home and the size of the new frame that you are needing, this upgrade could potentially require major structural changes to the home's exterior. To avoid potentially expensive damages to the home, enlargement of the door frame should be given to professional contractors to oversee.

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