5 Benefits Of Fixed Picture Windows

A picture window can add more beauty to the room than any framed work of art could provide. There are several benefits to choosing a picture window as the centerpiece of a room.

1. Cost Savings

A fixed picture window may include more glass than a casement window, but it is also less complicated in design. Without the need for moving parts and extra framing, the cost of the picture window tends to be much lower. You can enjoy the savings or take advantage of the reduced cost to splurge on decorative extras for the window.

2. Energy Efficiency

Like any other window in the home, you have the option to choose insulated double-pane or triple-pane glass for a picture window. Pictures windows provide even further efficiency benefits because there is no chance of air leaks around the window from failed weather seals since the window isn't designed to open. The insulated glass seals will also last longer compared to a casement window because there is no stress on them from frequent opening and closing. 

3. Unobstructed Views

If you have a beautiful view, you don't want to bisect it with the thick upper frame of the lower half of a casement window. With a picture window, you can be assured that the window will fully open up the view with no obstructions to interfere with your enjoyment. For this reason, picture windows often become the centerpiece of any room into which they are installed. 

4. Increased Light

A large picture window is sure to allow in much more natural light, even if it faces north and away from the main sources of direct light. The lack of obstructions from casements does allow in much more light, as does the larger size of the average picture window. The addition of a picture window can make small, dim rooms seem much larger and brighter.

5. Design Options

You have just as many design options for a picture window as you would any window, if not a few more since you don't have to worry about moving casements. Frames and sill kits come in the usual options, from wood to vinyl and metal. You can opt for ornate or simple interior framing and seals, depending on your design preferences. As for the glass, opt for plain glass for the best view. For a more ornate option, consider adding decorative border grills or opting for glass that has etched border designs on stained glass inclusions. 

Contact a picture window dealer and installer, such as the Window Depot of Cincinnati, to learn more about the available options. 
